How Do I Know If My Metal Roof Needs to Be Replaced?

Metal roofing is known for its durability, and can last for decades with proper installation, routine maintenance, and in the right environment. However, no roofing system will last forever, and metal roofs may experience some wear and tear over time. This leaves many homeowners asking the question, “how do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced?” 


Knowing when it’s time to replace your metal roof is crucial to protecting your home. Elite Exteriors wants to inform readers of the signs to look out for, so you can make educated decisions when it comes to your metal roof. Keep reading for four signs that your metal roof needs to be replaced, and the information you need to know regarding your metal roofing system.

Table of Contents

– Metal Roof Types

– How Do I Know If My Metal Roof Needs to Be Replaced?

  – Age of Painted Finish

  – Damaged Painted Finish

  – Wallowed Out Fasteners

  – Storm Damage

– Is It Time For a Metal Roof Replacement?


Metal Roof Types


standing seam metal roof
Pictured above is a stunning standing seam metal roof

So, how do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced? Before we jump into this, let’s first discuss the different types of metal roofs; standing seam metal roofs and screw down metal roofs. A standing seam metal roof is made up of a series of panels that are locked together at the seams or seamed mechanically. This allows for the panels to expand and contract freely when the metal heats up.


screw down metal roofing type
Contractor installs screw down metal roofing system

The second type of metal roof is a screw down metal roof, where the panels are screwed down with the fasteners exposed. Essentially, the panels are fastened down using screws and washers through the metal itself. It’s important to note here that screwing the metal down in this way does not allow for natural expansion and contraction. Because of this, we do not recommend using a screw down metal roof over any heated living area or workspace.


How Do I Know If My Metal Roof Needs to Be Replaced?

Now that you know about the different types of metal roofs, let’s answer the question, “how do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced?” It’s important to mention that most signs are based on the type of metal roof you have. Keep reading and learn the top four signs you should replace your metal roof.


Age of Painted Finish


gorgeous standing seam metal roof
Newly installed standing seam metal roof with a fresh painted finish

How do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced? Well, if the painted finish on your standing seam metal roof has reached the 30-year mark, it’s time for a replacement. Major steel panel manufacturers use a patented process to apply a painted finish to standing seam metal panels called Kynar 500


This painted finish protects your metal panels from the elements, and keeps the colors from fading, as well. Your standing seam metal roof comes with a 30-year paint warranty on the Kynar 500 finish. When the paint warranty expires, it’s time to start setting money aside to replace your metal roof. 


This doesn’t mean that you should rush to get a replacement, however, because even though the paint warranty is expired, it doesn’t mean that the finish is completely gone. The 30-year mark just means it’s time to start planning. If you see rust, or if the color on your metal panels is extremely faded, then it’s time to consider a metal roof replacement.


Damaged Painted Finish


metal roofing materialsPictured above is a marvelous metal roof with no damage to the painted finish

So, how do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced? Answer: if something damaged the painted finish on the standing seam metal roof panels. Again, the Kynar 500 painted finish protects your metal panels and keeps the color from fading. Your standing seam metal roof’s lifespan will be shortened if anything dents, damages, or scratches the painted finish. 


There are multiple situations that could cause this, from hail damage to fallen debris. It could also be from someone walking on your roof, or a painter who spilled paint on your panels and used chemicals to clean it up. Either way, if the Kynar 500 finish on your metal panels is damaged, then you will need to replace your standing seam metal roof sooner than later.


Wallowed Out Fasteners


contractor inspects metal roofContractor inspects fasteners on a screw down metal roof

How do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced? If the fasteners on your screw down metal roof are starting to wallow out. As you may recall, screw down metal roofs have fasteners that are exposed through the top of the panels. Because of the lack of ability to expand and contract, these fasteners get wallowed out until they’re too big for the screws that hold the metal panels down.


It’s important to mention that this doesn’t always mean an immediate roof replacement is required. If it’s caught early enough, larger screws can be installed and you can get more life out of your screw down metal roof. However, if unnoticed or left untreated, you’ll start seeing leaks. This also makes the panels susceptible to getting lifted up, as wind can get underneath them. 


With that being said, if you wait too long to address this issue, you’re going to have to start replacing the screw down panels. And if you have to replace one panel, we highly recommend replacing the entire roof. Regular roof maintenance can help with this issue, as your contractor will check for wallowed out fasteners during your annual roof inspection


Storm Damage


roof with storm damageMetal roof that has sustained severe storm damage

As you can see, some signs are specific to a certain type of metal roof. Storm damage, however, affects both standing seam and screw down metal roofs. So, how do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced? If there’s storm damage to your metal roof, then it may be time for a roof replacement. 


This may seem like a more obvious sign, but if anything damages the integrity of your metal panels, you will need to get a roof replacement. Strong storms, hurricanes, wind, and hail are a few of the usual culprits. For example, if a tree limb falls on your standing seam metal roof, it could cause large dents and scratches. This can lead to leaks and costly repairs. 


And let’s not forget, if your roof has been damaged due to a storm, you can use your insurance for the replacement. We know the insurance process can be lengthy, confusing, and stressful, but we’re here to help! For more information about the insurance claims process, check out our blog, “Top 7 Insurance Questions: ANSWERED.”


Is It Time For a Metal Roof Replacement?


roofer works on metal roof
Contractor hard at work on a metal roof replacement

How do I know if my metal roof needs to be replaced? After reading this article, you now know the four signs to help you decide if you need to get a roof replacement. If you do think it’s time for a roof replacement, the first thing on your mind is probably the cost. Whether you have a set budget in mind, or are still unsure, it’s impossible to start making decisions for your roof replacement until you know how much a roof replacement costs. 


Most people in the roofing industry don’t like to lead with pricing out of fear of intimidating potential clients. Elite Exteriors, however, believes in transparency, and that an educated consumer creates peace of mind and alleviates stress for both the client and the contractor. This is why we’ve created a Roof Cost Calculator, so you know what to expect when it comes time for the bill.


Please keep in mind that the Roof Cost Calculator is here to give you a general estimate, not an exact price. This is because every homeowner has different wants and needs, and there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to pricing that can only be included after an in-person inspection. However, our calculator will give you a rough estimate for your new roof, so you know about how much to budget.



Elite Exteriors is proud to be insurance claims specialists, and works hard on the homeowners behalf, guiding them through the insurance claims process, and taking the stress out of making a claim. If your metal roof has recently endured severe weather, we can help. We are happy to answer any insurance questions you may have, and to bring your roof back to its pre-storm condition. 


Elite Exteriors is the Southeast’s premier residential and commercial resource for unparalleled service, superior craftsmanship, and incomparable quality. And it’s all backed by an unprecedented lifetime labor and materials warranty! Give us a call today at 470-350-3024 for a NO-COST initial consultation and inspection, or fill out our online form for more information!