How to Reduce Rain Noise on Metal Roofs

A metal roof installation is a long-term investment, as they can last up to 50 years in the right conditions. This leaves many homeowners asking how to reduce rain noise on metal roofs. While this may not be a huge issue for everyone, it should still be considered, especially for those who are sensitive to sounds. 


The last thing we want is for a homeowner to have a metal roof installed, and be bothered by the noise level every time it rains. This is why we created an article to help you understand the sounds that can come with a metal roof. Keep reading to learn just how loud a metal roof is compared to other roof types, what can be done about the noise, and more.

Table of Contents

– Are Metal Roofs Noisy When it Rains?

– How to Reduce Rain Noise on Metal Roofs

– Rain Noise on Metal Roofs vs. Asphalt Roofs

– Is a Metal Roof Right for You?

Are Metal Roofs Noisy When it Rains?


metal roof in the rain
Pictured above is a metal roof on a rainy day

Before we get into how to reduce rain noise on metal roofs, let’s talk about the noise itself. So, are metal roofs noisy when it rains? The short answer is, yes. Homeowners will experience an echo when rain hits a metal roof. 


With that being said, the sound will be quieter if your metal roof is installed over solid roof decking . This is because the decking, which is made of wood, sits between the metal panels and your ceiling and absorbs some of the noise. 


On the flip side, if you don’t have solid decking under your metal roof, then you’re really going to hear the rain. In this case, the only thing that will lessen the sound is your ceiling’s installation. Either way, there’s going to be some noise when it rains, as roof decking and insulation can only do so much.


How to Reduce Rain Noise on Metal Roofs


contractors installs underlayment to roof decking
Contractor installs underlayment to roof decking, which can reduce rain noise, on a residential roofing project

While there is no way to completely stop it, let’s discuss how to reduce rain noise on metal roofs. There are things you can do to help lessen the noise. We’ve already covered how solid roof decking can absorb some of the sound, but there are upgrades that can be added to assist even more. 


By installing wood fiber insulation boards between your metal panels and your roof’s decking, you are essentially adding an extra layer to absorb sound from the rain. When opting for this upgrade, the sound now has to travel through the insulation boards, the roof decking, and the ceiling’s insulation. 


It’s important to mention that this addition won’t completely block out the noise from a heavy rain storm, but it will help significantly. It’s also important to mention how this affects cost. Any added upgrades, like insulation boards, for example, will impact the final cost of your metal roof replacement.


Rain Noise on Metal Roofs vs. Asphalt Roofs


asphalt roof in the rain
Above is an asphalt roof during a rainstorm

Now that you know how to reduce rain noise on metal roofs, let’s discuss how the noise levels compare to other roof types. A metal roof is one of the only roof systems that will echo rain sounds. Most other roof types will simply absorb the noise due to the materials they’re made out of. 


Asphalt roofs, for example, are the most commonly installed roof type in the industry today. So, let’s compare noise levels between metal roofs and asphalt roofs. A metal roof is going to be at least 50 decibels louder than an asphalt roof. 


However, if you decide to add the aforementioned upgrade, the noise level will be cut in half. Regardless, a metal roof will still produce more sound when it rains versus other roof types. And if the sound is a concern then, unfortunately, a metal roof may not be right for you.


Is a Metal Roof Right for You?


gorgeous recently installed metal roof
A gorgeous and newly installed metal roof

So, is a metal roof right for you? Well, now you know how much sound to expect, and how to reduce rain noise on metal roofs. Even though you can’t completely eliminate the noise, if a metal roof is the one for you, there are steps you can take to lessen it. 


However, if you’re sensitive to sounds or are worried about the noises that come with a metal roof, you may want to consider other options. Luckily, there are plenty of other quality roof types out there that are durable, long lasting, and good looking. You may also want to consider a different roof type with a metal roof accent over a non-living space. 


Choosing the right roofing material for your roofing needs is a huge and important decision, and can be an overwhelming one. You have to consider budget, aesthetics, and just how long you want your new roof investment to last. In order to help with this, we created a blog titled, “Best Roofing Material [For Durability and Longevity],” to help you sort through your options.



Elite Exteriors is the Southeast’s premier residential and commercial resource for unparalleled service, superior craftsmanship and incomparable quality; and it’s all backed by an unprecedented lifetime labor and materials warranty. We would be honored to help you with your roofing needs, and to answer any questions you may have when it comes to your roof. We also offer FREE initial consultations and inspections, and for more information, give us a call today at 470-350-3024, or fill out our online form.



Elite Exteriors is the Southeast’s premier residential and commercial roofing resource for unparalleled service, superior craftsmanship and incomparable quality. And it’s all backed by an unprecedented lifetime labor and materials warranty!

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